Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 18: In Which the Author Muses About Economic Theory

GDP or gross domestic product is the most common economic measure of a society's well-being and is defined as the total paid for goods and services by households in a country in a year. In other words, conventional economic wisdom is that a society that buys more and more and more stuff is a happy society, regardless of what that stuff is, how much stuff the society already has, or the real cost of all that consumption of stuff. In a recent article in Sojourners magazine, Herman Daly aptly said with regard to GDP:
GDP as we currently know it conflates benefits and costs as "economic activity," and that is what GDP measures -- how fast the wheels are turning, not where the car is going.
...GDP is ... the best index we have of the combined effects of pollution, depletion, congestion, and loss of biodiversity.
It is a measure of the damage we inflict on finite, non-growing creation in order to support more people at higher per capita levels of resource use.

Today's front yard critter count:
Raccoons: 1
Deer: 0
Towhees in the tree outside the kitchen window: 1

Question: What is the bird in the photograph?
Answer: A Turkey Vulture on Andros Island in the Bahamas. Beautiful wings, eh?

Question: Do you know any fun facts about Turkey Vultures?
Answer: Yup. That wing span can extend up to 72 inches; they can live 20 years in captivity; and their genus name means "purifier."  Turkey Vultures lack feathers on their heads to keep them guck-free.and medical researchers are studying them to determine how they stay healthy in spite of their diet.