Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peaceful Sedition

In her excellent book "Made from Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life," Jenna Woginrich says:

Vegetable gardening has been called "the peaceful sedition" because at the most basic level, when a person can feed and shelter herself, she doesn't require a government to provide for her. ... It's not about pride or independence, or even connecting with nature. It's about wanting hashbrowns on a Saturday morning and being able to run out to the backyard in your bathrobe to grab some potatoes from the garden.

Well, that, and poking a thumb in the eye of corporate agribusiness and its marketing shills, an activity that is not without its pleasures.

Happy New Year!

Today's front yard critter count:
Deer: 3 does
Raccoons: 6 (Old Tailless Guy; his Little Woman; their guest, a male we haven't seen before; and the Not-So-Crabby Mama's 3 teenagers).