Those of you who read fantasy novels are familiar with objects that, when seen, transfix the hero. Even if the object appears at first glance to be innocent or even beautiful, its magic is malign and the result for the hero is generally bad -- a journey delayed, an important task undone, and an increase in sorrow and confusion.
I'm beginning to wonder if, for me at least, television isn't a rather maleficent transfixing object. It renders me motionless, causes me to delay or ignore work and play that is meaningful and enjoyable, and fills my head and heart with images, beliefs, and values that can be downright despicable. I end up both transfixed and enchanted -- and not in a good way.
So I've done the classic cartoon "wake up" head shake, grabbed the remote, and turned off the television for good. Goodbye Comcast, and good riddance to you!
3 years ago